International Commercial Terms are commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) , it’s A set of 11 international standard trade terms  Assignment of costs and responsibilities between the buyer and the seller.
Incoterms allows the parties to designate a point at which the costs and risks of transport are precisely divided between the seller and the buyer. Incoterms also allocate responsibility for customs clearance/duties between the parties. Since Incoterms are not law but are contractual standard terms, they do not apply to a given transaction unless the parties specifically incorporate them.

Incoterms only apply to the seller and buyer, one of whom will assume dovetail with the Incoterms in terms of allocation of transport costs and risks, but this will depend on the shipper giving precise directions to the carrier to ship according to the constraints of the given Incoterms. The 11 Incoterms are divided in 11 Term:

It’s the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS code) of the tariff nomenclature is an international standardized system of names and numbers for the classification of commodities. The HS code system is based on a 6-digit nomenclature. Individual countries have extended this to 10 digits for import and 8 for export.

Nearly 200 countries use these HS codes as basis to determine :

  • import duties and Taxes
  • trade statistics (Statistics Netherlands)
  • origin regulations
  • trade agreements
  • monitoring of controlled goods (including arms, waste, protected animal species)
  • risk analyses
  • Customs information systems

Since the HS code is subject to development, it needs to be ensured that the used codes remain up-to-date.

When importing, a normal description of the goods needs to be stated, other than the standard text and in addition to the HS code. This is because Customs wants to be able to physically check the goods on the basis of this description. The HS code given by the supplier often suffices, but there is often uncertainty in the event of e.g. new technologies. Is that new telephone classed as a camera or otherwise? In order to be absolutely certain that the correct HS code is used for import purposes, The HS code system is developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO), The HS code is also referred to as the goods code, statistics code, statistics number or tariff code. Please feel free to contact our staff for questions or advice.


Commercial Invoice & Packing list:

A Commercial invoice is a bill for the goods from the seller to the buyer. These invoices to determine the true value of goods and other key specifications when assessing customs duties. Commercial invoice lists seller, buyer, shipper, invoice number, date of Invoice, the quantity of packages, Payment Term and Incoterm.

An export Packing list lists seller, buyer, Consignee ,  invoice number, date of Invoice , mode of transport, carrier, and itemizes quantity, description, the type of package, such as a box, crate, drum, or carton, the quantity of packages, total net and gross weight (in kilograms), package marks, and dimensions, if appropriate. Both commercial stationers and freight forwarders carry packing list forms. A packing list may serve as conforming document. It is not a substitute for a commercial invoice. Customs officials may use the export packing list to check the cargo.


Airway Bill

Air freight shipments require airway bills. Airway bills are shipper-specific (i.e., USPS, Fed-Ex, UPS, DHL, Egypt Air, Qatar Airways, etc.).

Bill of Lading

A bill of lading is a contract between the owner of the goods and the carrier (as with domestic shipments). For vessels, there are two types: a straight bill of lading, The customer usually needs an original as proof of ownership to take possession of the goods.


Export Licenses Or Import Licenses 

An export or Import license is a government document that authorizes the export or Import of specific goods in specific quantities to a particular destination. This document may be required for most or all exports and imports to some countries or for other countries .


Certificate of Origin

The Certificate of Origin (CO) is required by some countries for all or only certain products. In many cases, a statement of origin printed on company letterhead will suffice. The exporter should verify whether a CO is required with the buyer and/or an experienced shipper/freight forwarder or the Trade Information Center.

Note: Some countries (i.e., numerous Middle Eastern countries) require that certificate of origin be notarized, certified by local chamber of commerce and legalized by the commercial section of the consulate of the destination country.


The EUR.1 is most importantly recognized as a certificate of origin in the external trade in legal sense, especially within the framework of several bi– and multilateral agreements of the Pan-European preference system (the European Union Association Agreement).

Insurance Certificate

Insurance certificates are used to assure the consignee that insurance will cover the loss of or damage to the cargo during transit. These can be obtained from your freight forwarder or publishing house. Note: an airway bill can serve as an insurance certificate for a shipment by air. Some countries may require certification or notification.

Port Of Loading,

Port Of Discharge,


Number of Packages or Pallets,

Dimensions of Packages or Pallets,

Gross Weight.

Pick up Address (If Cargo will be Shipped based on Ex.Works Term).

Buyer Details,

Seller Details,

Consignee details,

Invoice number,

Date of Invoice,

Mode of transport,


Description of goods,

The type of package, such as a box, crate, drum, or carton,

The quantity of packages,

Total net and gross weight (in kilograms),

Package marks, and dimensions.

It’s a form of Imports finance in foreign currencies for imported goods, According to the Central Bank of Egypt instructions Form 4 should be provided to the Bank as a proof of the Payment the value of the imported goods from the Importer to the supplier including Importer name and Details, the Type of imported goods and Value of Goods.

To settle Bank Form 4 importer should transfer the value of the imported goods under his import License from his Bank.

All Shipping Documents (Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of Origin) will be provided to the Bank through Applying for Bank Form 4

In Case the Goods will be shipped by Sea, All Shipping Documents (Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of Origin) will be sent from supplier Bank to Importer Bank.

Form 4 should be settled and Closed during Customs clearance Procedures.

Customs Clearance Asking to Provide Bank Form 4, when the value of goods will be $2000 or more.

A letter of credit is a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer’s payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount. In the event that the buyer is unable to make payment on the purchase, the bank will be required to cover the full or remaining amount of the purchase. Due to the nature of international dealings, including factors such as distance, differing laws in each country, and difficulty in knowing each party personally, the use of letters of credit has become a very important aspect of international trade.

Types of Letters of Credit

A commercial letter of credit is a direct payment method in which the issuing bank makes the payments to the beneficiary. In contrast, a standby letter of credit is a secondary payment method in which the bank pays the beneficiary only when the holder cannot.

A revolving letter of credit lets the customer make any number of draws within a certain limit during a specific time period. A traveler’s letter of credit guarantees the issuing banks will honor drafts made at certain foreign banks.

A confirmed letter of credit involves a bank other than the issuing bank guaranteeing the letter of credit. The second bank is the confirming bank, typically the seller’s bank. The confirming bank ensures payment under the letter of credit if the holder and the issuing bank default. The issuing bank in international transactions typically requests this arrangement.

When the goods arrive in EG, Nile will receive the Delivery Order (D/O) from the Airline immediately.

Nile Will Open Custom Certificate (Form 46) to proceed to clear the goods from EG Customs.

EG Customs will start their procedures by Inspection the shipment.

The second step is to evaluate the Commercial Invoice (CI) and determine the Customs Tariff and Taxes Percentages from Checking the HS Codes.

Nile provides any standard information / Shipping Legalized Documents required as importer to support the customs clearance and make their Revision on the Evaluation Stage.

Customs Determine the Required Approvals after finished Evaluation stage

General Organisation for Exports Imports & Control (GOEIC) Add 3-4 days to get the approval.

National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) Add 2-3 days to get the approval.

Customs Pricing Committee   Add 2-3 days to get the approval.

Agricultural Approval (In Case Pallets not Fumigated) Add 1 day to get the approval.

If Shipment need National Security, It will need from 15- 30 days.

If Shipment Value is $ 2000 or more Nile Can Apply for Form 4 during Approvals after finished Customs Pricing Committee and   till other Approval finished.

Last Stage Duties and Taxes Calculation and Payment of the Custom Charges.

Nile will arrange delivery of cargo to final shipping destination after Releasing the shipment from EG Customs.

For more information about customs procedures in Egypt, please follow this link:

Egypt launched NAFEZA to facilitate and expedite the review and release of foreign shipments upon their arrival at a port of entry within Egypt.

Egypt launched the National Single Window for Foreign Trade Facilitation (“Nafeza”) system on April 1, 2021. The initiative is implemented by the Egyptian Customs Authority to modernize and automate customs administration, simplify procedures, and reduce clearance times.  It is expected to facilitate and expedite the review and release of foreign shipments upon their arrival at a port of entry within Egypt.

“Nafeza” uses an integrated information platform to coordinate all necessary shipping information between foreign exporters and Egyptian importers. This system requires importers to submit all necessary shipping documentation and transaction data (customs duties, import controls, port of entry, etc.) via an online “e-portal” in order to facilitate the release of the importers’ goods from ports in Egypt. According to the Egyptian Customs Authority, the “Nafeza” platform will bring the Government of Egypt in line with international standards of trade-related procedures and customs requirements for the clearance of goods.

To access the “Nafeza” online e-portal, go to

ACID (Advanced Cargo Information Declaration) for cargo to Egyptian ports

Egypt – New Advance Cargo Information Customs Regulation
We would like to inform you about the new Egyptian customs regulation related to Advance Cargo Information (ACI).
Advance Cargo Information (ACI) is a new customs system under which Egyptian importers are required to declare full information about goods to be shipped to Egypt before actual loading from exporting country.

Upon the acceptance of Egyptian Authorities, a unique ACID will be issued for each ACI request.

Egyptian Importers are required by ACI procedures to instruct their exporters to include the below three data in their shipping order/BL/manifest.

· ACID number

· Egyptian Importer VAT Number

· Exporter Registration Number


In accordance with the new Egyptian Customs law #207/2020 In  Arabic or English effective as of November 2020, and its following related Decree, Advance Cargo Information (ACI) will be strictly mandatory for All Egypt Import shipment as of 1st July 2021 (ETA at Port of Loading).

Advance Cargo Information (ACI) is a new customs system that requires cargo data and documents (Commercial invoice, Packing list, Bills of Lading, and Cargo Manifest) at the latest until 48 hours before the vessel departure from the Loading port.

Under the ACI system, a unique number called ACID number (Advance Cargo information Declaration) to be issued for each shipment. The ACID will be issued for each ACI request (maximum within 48 hours from request submission) by the Egyptian customs portal –

It is a Shipper’s responsibility to submit the following data elements to the shipping line booking office to comply with ACI requirements.

ACID Number: A 19 digits number uniquely identifying the ACI shipment. 3 months valid after its issuance.
*Example: 4988470982020120017

Shipper – Exporter Registration Number:
A 17 alphanumeric string containing 3 segments:
* Two-letter country code (ISO-3166-1) representing the country where the exporter (Shipper) is registered.
* Two digits identifying the type of registration number (01- Company Registry 02- VAT)
* The Exporter registration number issued by the relevant authority.

*Example: US-02-12083143645 (A US-based exporter VAT number)

Consignee – Egyptian Importer VAT Number:
A 9 digits number issued by the Egyptian Tax Authority uniquely identifying all companies registered in Egypt.
*Example: 498847098

ACID# is required for all inbound shipment to destination country Egypt, but also the following condition, ACI requirement is applicable.

1) In-transit by road to neighboring countries via Port of discharge Egypt
2) International transshipment at multiple Egyptian terminals (in case of shunting between the discharge and load terminals is required)

ACID# is NOT required for the following condition:
1) International transshipment – both discharge and load- is done at 1 single Egyptian terminal
2) Personal effect shipment
3) Ministry of Défense in Egypt is the Consignee

The full implementation of ACI is as of 1st July 2021(ETA at Port of Loading). Without valid ACID#, ONE will strictly refrain from loading any shipment planned to be destined to Egypt due to the regulation.

The exporter is obliged:
1) Mention ACID#, Importer VAT number, Exporter Registration number in the Packing list, commercial invoice
2) To provide ACID#, Importer VAT number, Exporter Registration number to Nile Logistics
booking office at the time of booking as much as possible and at latest in Shipping Instruction.

When those data elements are not provided in Shipping Instruction by its documentation cut-off
time, ONE will rollover your container to the next available vessel and the cost is at the Exporter.

For further information on Egypt ACI, please check the link below:

In regard to the new customs law # #207/2020, Nile is obliged to complete all manifest by:
* 48 hours prior to ETA in Egypt – Short shipment
(less than 3 days voyage from Origin to Egypt)
* 72 hours prior to ETA in Egypt – Other shipments

Any costs associated with manifest correction after the given deadline, among others but not
limited to customs penalties, change of destination, and admin fees will be for the Exporter’s account.

Should you need a manifest correction or COD after the above deadline, please consult with
your local Key Account Person in charge at Nile.

*Please note that the details of the new surcharge to cover manifest submission costs will
follow separately.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

For more info on how to apply the new system, please download PROCEDURES CIRCULAR NO. (10) FOR THE YEAR 2021 In Arabic or English

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