International Commercial Terms are commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) , it’s A set of 11 international standard trade terms Assignment of costs and responsibilities between the buyer and the seller.
Incoterms allows the parties to designate a point at which the costs and risks of transport are precisely divided between the seller and the buyer. Incoterms also allocate responsibility for customs clearance/duties between the parties. Since Incoterms are not law but are contractual standard terms, they do not apply to a given transaction unless the parties specifically incorporate them.
Incoterms only apply to the seller and buyer, one of whom will assume dovetail with the Incoterms in terms of allocation of transport costs and risks, but this will depend on the shipper giving precise directions to the carrier to ship according to the constraints of the given Incoterms. The 11 Incoterms are divided in 11 Term: